Deena Goodman
Deena Goodman is a U.S. and Thai dual national. She is entering her final year of law school at Southwestern Law School in Los Angeles, California, and received her Bachelor’s Degree, in International Politics, from the University of Melbourne in Australia.
Things You Never Want to Hear from Your Lawyer in Thailand
Compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is challenging in some jurisdictions, and there are some things you never want to hear from your lawyer, particularly in high-risk jurisdictions such as Thailand. Here are a few “innocent” statements that have been “repeated” as purported anecdotes, followed by comments on why these statements are dangerous indicia of corruption.
Douglas Mancill
Douglas is a dual national (Thai and American) and has worked in Thailand for over 20 years. He previously worked as a lawyer in California for 13 years. This unique background helps Douglas in assisting foreign clients navigate Thailand’s sometimes opaque legal terrain on both transactional matters and in disputes.